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Get Canadian Passport Office Phone Numbers And Address

Canadian passport office phone number, address, is a keyword with a very broad online search volume. Too many people are trying to get in touch with these Canadian passport offices, but they don’t know how to do it.

We wanted to inform the public on how to get to these offices and get them to sort out your visa or immigration problems. But before we move ahead, there are a couple things you need to hear about!

What Is a Canadian Passport?

For the sake of those who do not know, a Canadian passport is an official travel document issued to citizens of Canada by the Government. This document certifies the identity and nationality of the holder, it is mostly used when the individual wants to travel around or out of the country. Another possible usage of this document is as a means of identification within the country.

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So, if you’re taking a holiday, you need a travel passport. To get one, you need to apply for a travel document. This is where you’re going to need a Canadian passport office phone number and address. Once you have experience with them, you should reach out to them to help you overcome your problems.

A standard passport includes a portrait, birth name, date of birth, birthplace, address in certain cases and other information that may be used to identify the person.

What Are The Requirements For Canadian Passport Application?

For you to be issued a passport, you must fill or necessary information and submit in person or in the application web portal. However, below are very important requirements you’ll be needing to attach to your application.

  • All three (3) pages of the application form completed, signed within the last 12 months, and certified by your guarantor;
  • Two (2) identical passport photos that were taken within the last 6 months, one certified by your guarantor;
  • Proof of Canadian citizenship;
  • Proof of identity; and
  • Any Canadian passport or travel document issued to you within the last 5 years.
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It is also important to note that;

  • Only original documents are accepted and they will be returned to you after verification.
  • Additional documents or information may be requested.
  • All documents submitted in a language other than English or French must be accompanied by a translation from a certified translator.

So, if you seek to get your Canadian passport, there will be a provision on how you can get the Canadian Passport Office phone number and address.

How To Get Canadian Passport Office Phone Numbers And Address

For Passport Renewal or Passport Application;

Like I said earlier, you can submit your passport application online. You can also submit your application in a physical address. Click Here To Submit Online.

On that link, you can find the various physical addresses where the Passport offices are. Also, the Candian passport office phone number can be found on the above website. Do well to use the link to contact them and you will be guided accordingly.

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