How to Delete Badoo Account-Deactivate Badoo Account
How to Delete Badoo Account-In a society that profits on our self-doubt, Badoo is the place where it pays to be the real, unapologetic you. We fight the ambiguity of modern dating with an authentic, unfiltered conversation. We believe a real connection is born from being honest in who you are and what you really want.
Nevertheless, if you no longer find the Badoo account interesting and wish to delete it, in this post we have provided you with comprehensive steps to guide you on how to delete Ablo Badoo Account. All you have to do is to carefully follow the steps outlined below.
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Here are some amazing features of Badoo Account
Meet honest singles are around you
Straight forward swiping, right for and left for and Start flirting today!
Connect with your matches through face to face video calling
Has a thorough three-step verification process which, once completed, you can choose to only interact with other verified profiles and find friends
Translates any language your new friends possibly
Meet new friends and discover incredible places and the world’s most hidden gems.
Free text & video chat
Unlimited conversations
Discover new countries
Enables users to exchange images, GIF and videos within their conversations.
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How to delete Badoo Account-Deactivate Badoo Account
Go to the drop-down menu in the top-left corner of the official website and tap Settings.
Tap on Email settings.
Click the Delete account at the bottom of the page.
Enter your username to Confirm Deleting the Badoo Account
Alternatively, you can also;
1. Go to your email account that is registered with the account.
2. Then compose an email and enter the email address support@Badoo .com
4. Now write an email regarding changing your account information, with the honest reason for deleting your account and click on the send button.
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