How to prevent Anemia in Children with rich iron food
The importance of making sure that your child’s diet is enriched with diets high in iron can not be overemphasized. When the diet of your child has low iron content, it will lead to what is known as iron deficiency. Which is characterized by poor transportation of oxygenated blood to tissues, muscles and vital organs of the body. This leads to some problems like learning disorders, growth retardation, and behavioral problems.
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Moreover, for the nutritional value of this diet to be impacted by the health of this baby, there must be proper absorption and metabolism of these nutrients in their right proportion.
However, the frequently asked questions by some parents on how to prevent Anemia in Children with rich iron food have carefully been answered in this post, by proving you with some suggestive measures to help you make the right choices in the inclusion of high iron foods in your diet.
How to prevent Anemia in Children with rich iron food
To ensure your baby gets the required quantity and quality of iron contained nutrient, at least one the following iron-rich foods must be included in his or her meals daily.
Here Some foods that are high in iron
Animal sources (Heme Iron)
Beef liver
Chicken liver
Oily fish, such as sardines, mackerel
Leg of lamb
Red meats
Plant sources (Non-heme Iron)
Peanut butter
Brown rice
Instant oatmeal
Dark leafy greens
Iron-fortified cereals
Baked beans
Also, it is very necessary to include nonheme diet wit foods rich in vitamin C, like Oranges, strawberries, dark green leafy vegetables. This will play a vital role in the absorption and metabolism of this iron and other vitamins by the small intestine.
Some of the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency
- Difficulty in breathing during exercise
- Feeling of exhaustion
- Paleness
- Unusual Tiredness
- Heart Palpitations
- Dry and Damaged Hair and Skin
- Swelling and Soreness of the Tongue and Mouth
- Brittle or Spoon-Shaped Fingernails
- Weak immunity (Neutropaenic)
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